Club Rules and Regulations

  1. Members must be financial at all times.
  2. Dapto Club Members Spouse’s/Partners do not get free rego signing as they are not financial members however, we
    will make them financial for a reduced fee of $30 per year to bring them to full Financial Membership.
  3. Annual Memberships are for a calendar year June 30th to June 30th.
  4. Members if they do not attend any Meetings or Runs must show their vehicle to have their Vehicles renewal approved each year.
  5. Members Must update the club of any changes to their Address & Phone numbers & Registration Plate Number.
  6. Members who fail to renew their Club membership will be notified that their vehicle must not be driven while your membership has lapsed.
  7. Members who do not renew their membership within 3 months of the final date will have their membership cancelled and access to the Club’s Newsletter and Facebook will be withdrawn.
  8. Members must show respect to other members, other car clubs and the community.
  9. Members shall practice safe driving habits and abide by the NSW alcoholic beverage consumption laws.
  10. Members will act in a mature, adult manner when representing the Club.
  11. Members are encouraged to assist in club sponsored events and meetings whenever possible.
  12. Members should assist other members whenever possible.
  13. If a member cannot adhere to the rules of the Club and it is felt that a member’s actions or activities harm the Club, its members or reputation, that member may be excused from the Club.
  14. If a Club Member is removed from the Clubs membership it is the responsibility of the Club officials to contact Service NSW to have their Rego made null and void.
  15. Club Rules and Regulations are subject to change.
  16. The Executive Committee decisions are FINAL.